sunnuntai 6. heinäkuuta 2014

some kinda excitement


Its been a long time since my last post. But I really havent had anything to write about. Who wants to read about a life that is really very very boring at the moment. But now I have something big to tell you about. About a week ago I met a very close friend of mine and she told me about her plans to travel around of Asia in this autumn. And she asked me to go with her and her friends. She got me very interested about it cos I have never been out of Europe and now I got a chance to do it. I was thinking about my future and was kinda lost with it, what to do since i quit my job in August. And here was the answer for me. I booked the flights! So that happy happy thing is happening in the end of September. I am already so so exited. Been going trough of all these websites that are selling bikinis, shorts, backpacks etc. But the hardest part of while thing has just started; saving of money.. I will spend two and half months in Asia, we will start from Bali. There is about 6 other girls coming with us. Sleeping in hammocks, surfing, diving, and trying to catch some tan. Ahh I already see some dreams about it.. So I thought it would be good idea to start writing again. I dont have my camera anymore, but I still have my phone to take some pics and videos to share with u guys. I am counting days for that eyes opening thing. Im happy to have something to look forward to.

See ya guys next time! :))

keskiviikko 15. tammikuuta 2014

home sweet home.

Niin vaan jää aina kirjottamatta. Joko oon niin super huono kirjottamaan tai vaan niin tylsä eikä jutun juurta löydy. Anyway. Mä oon takas Suomessa! Ja vieläpä aika hyvillä fiiliksillä toisin kuin ensi oletin. Tulin kotiin pari päivää ennen joulua. Vastaanotto oli tosi tunteikas ja oli niin ihana tulla kotiin. Pikkuset arkoina katteli ja ihmetteli. Eihän tuo ihme ollut, mä olin ihan eri näkönen kun lähtiessäni. Vietettiin joulu koko perheellä, oli tosi ihana joulu vaikka se oli jo ohi ennen kun edes kerkes alkamaan. Tämä joulu oli vika yhteinen joulu meijän koko perheellä tälläisenään. Mun pikkuveli on nimittäin menossa naimisiin ennen ens joulua. Hassua. Joulun jälkeen meninkin takasin töihin terveyskeskukseen. Uus vuos yö meni töissä kans ja töissä oon elokuun loppuun asti, sit ihan mun omaks ilokseni mä taas suuntaan jonnekin muualle. Norjaan, Ruotsiin, Taskaan ja Uuteen Seelantiin ois ihan hirvee hinku päästä.

Oon saanu tutustua ihan uskomattoman hyviin tyyppeihin jo näin pienessä ajassa nyt Suomessa. Huippu huomata, että on niitäkin ihmisiä jotka on niin paljon samalla aaltopituudella kun itekin ja niin samanlaisia. Ja miten vapaa niiden kans voi olla, ihan kun aina olis tuntenu.:)

Reilu viikko sitten saattelin mun pikkusen veljen Niinisaloon armeijan harmaisiin ja toinen veli lähti Vekarajärvelle, harmaisiin sekin. Mun pikkuveljistä on tulossa isoja pikkuveli-miehiä. Oli tosi haikea fiilis jäädä kattomaan kun Make lähti talsimaan kassi olalla porttien toiselle puolelle. Mutta se lohdutti, että turvallisessa paikassa ovat eikä tarvi olla huolissaan niiden tekemisistä siellä. Kunhan eka paikkansa siellä löytävät ja asettuvat. Odotan hulluna, että ne tulee ekoille lomille nyt viikonloppuna. 

Millin on ikävä takas Britteihin ja ikävä hulluna niitä ihmisiä, joihin siellä tutustuin. Mutta takas ei hirveästi houkuttele mennä ennen kesää sään suhteen. Paljon on uusia suunnitelmia ja tavoitteita tälle vuodelle, yhtenä tärkeimpänä ammattikorkea tietty. Vielä on pikkasen aikaa päättää mitä opiskelemaan, kätilö, tradenomi vai matkailu. Muista jutuista sitten kuulettekin myöhemmin, jos ne ottaa tuulta siipensä alle. Jänskättää. :)) 

Thats for you Rikki as I promised! Rikki is the greatest and the most awesome guy I ever met. Was that enough, is there anything else that you want me to write about you Rikki?

Hyvää Uutta Vuotta teille kaikille! Toivottavasti tää vuosi tuo tullessaan mitä ikinä oottekaan toivonu ja luvannu.:)

keskiviikko 27. marraskuuta 2013

Prejudices and wrong kind of attitude.

Some time ago I met a friend, really special one. The more I got to know him the more I realized how blind I have been. He kinda opened my eyes to see things differently. I judge everything even thought I dont even know how things really are. Prejudices tho.

I have never thought anything good about Muslims. Only thoughts I had was they treat women really badly, they are violent and terrorists. Sounds sick. Doesnt it. Its just things that media and different stories have made us to believe. I have never thought about it myself. The women use the thing around of their head cos they want to. Its not cos of the men say how much you have to hide you head. Its like I can not wear really little clothes cos I feel it really weird and not so comfortable. I think thats cos of my parents really didnt let us to use clothes like that. I am really happy for that. There is so many things in Islam and in the religion I used to be in. They are so very similar.

Princesses and princes. I always thought British young people are rude and selfish. It is kinda true but its just one side of the things and not their own fault tho. Thats another thing I realized. Its about the culture. It has made them to be what they are. The girls live as they are princesses in their pink pretty castles. Everything comes for them, the world was made only for them. Drinking, partying, sex, teen mums, etc. The less you have clothes the prettier you are. Everything has to look and seem good doesnt matter what is behind the scenes. For me its very weird. Ofc cos I come from different place, and we have own culture there, I have used to respect different things. There is ofc good things in them as well. The thingy I missed most about England was the positive people that you really cant see in Finland.  I am sure I am gonna miss that again once I leave England. The people in my town always say "Hi!" or " Good morning!" even thought you have never met them before. But if you say that to someone in Finland they are going to think something like "Oh my God! He is going to do something to me!". So dont even try that in Finland, you might get a hit or at least that weird look. If you had a dream you wanted they kind of made you to go for it and believe in you. Thats what you cant find in Finland really. If something bad happens to someone some English people are very helpful and they want to support. In Finland people are more privaty I guess. I still love England, but it might be time for something else.

Just to say these was my thoughts again. Things might be different really, but thats how I see them at the moment.

Vähiin käy aupairelämä aika ennen kun loppuu. Suunnitelmat on vieläkin ihan auki. Perjantaina työhaastattelu vanhainkodissa täällä, joten wish me luck! Josko ne suunnitelmat siitä selviää, vaikka niin toivottomalta se joskus pukkaa tuntumaan. Yrittää vaan uskoo siihen, että everything happens for reason. On sen tyyppinen ihminen, et kaikki pitäs olla valmiiks sunniteltuna jo hyvis ajoissa. Eipä auta kun chill ja odotella. Ristiriitaset tunteet joulun odottamisesta. Toisaalta odottaa hulluna joulua ja porukoiden näkemistä. Mutta yhtä aikaa yrittää nauttia viimesistä viikoista täällä ja näistä ihmisistä. On tosi vaikee, kun stressaa ihan hulluna mitä tapahtuu tammikuussa vai tapahtuuko mitään ja missä mä oon ja mitä tekemässä vai oonko missään ja mitään tekemässä. Joskus ois kiva jos joku vaan sanelis mitä tehä ja minä tekisin, mutta eipä siitä mitään tulis kun oon jo valmiiks niin kapinamielinen jääräpää. Joulunaika on ihan parasta täällä. Valoja ja ihmiset jouluostoksilla. Rakastan sitä. Mulla ei valitettavasti oo tän yhen kuvan lisäks muita, mutta koitan raahata tuon tonnikeijun mukanani joskus ja koittaa saada pari onnistunutta otosta näistä jouluhommeleista täällä. Hyvää joulun odotusta teille ja kuunnelkaa vaan niitä joululauluja jo, et mäkin voin kuunnella.

PS. If you dont have lots to do listen to that song and enjoy!

sunnuntai 13. lokakuuta 2013

Life changes. People change.

Time really flies. Its Sunday again. On Monday I went to shopping with Vicks, she is the mother of this family. And I got a silly idea to dye my white eyebrows and lashes. When I saw my face in the mirror I wanted to cry, I looked like a clown. If u dont know how a clown looks like u can google it. When I got home I tried to wash them off, but ofc it didnt go. But on Wednesday I got new hair color as well. And i fell in love with my clown eyelashes and brows. So it was not so silly idea anymore. I had never died my hair before. 21 years with really blonde hair. So it was a big change. But I love these so much. I have heard very different comments about them. I dont really mind if someone doesnt like it cos I do like them a lot! It was a shock for many ppl. I think I look prettier and more girly, not as a tomboy that I was. Now I can wear more girly clothes, I am so happy for that! And now nobody comes to ask me why all of my hair is white.

Old look and new look.. 

I had such a nice weekend. On Friday I talked with my dad first time after I told them about my decision. And I feel much better now and so much happier. Heini, my au pair friend came around. I like her so much, I havent known her for long. But she is that kinda person u know u click with her. I got another friend from Finland to visit and ofc some finnish sweets and chocolate. Yum! 

On Saturday we all went to London to see Camden Town and some tourist stuff, as Tower Bridge etc. And we met Warwick Davis!! He acted Filius Flitwick in Harry Potter movies. He was sooo sweet and cute! Even thought he is different than most of ppl he looked so happy. Respect! Actually I didnt recognize him but when we got home we realized it was him. Heini came to sleep over as well. We all three slept in my bed, and that was not so great idea. Almost all night we just laughed and when we went out we were as three Angry birds. But anyway it was pretty fun tho. I havent laughed that much for ages. The more u laugh the longer u live, if that is true I am gonna live forever. 

I just got home. We were in Stratford for some shopping. Shopping in high heels is killing. I dont recommend to try that. I love autumn so much.